Support the science of tomorrow's logistics!
Science sponsorship
12.000,00 €
1 vorrätig
The Logistics Science Award recognizes scientific work with independent results and significant novelty or new findings or solutions in the field of logistics. The award is presented to the winner at the CX in Berlin. The round of the 3 finalists of the Logistics Science Award will also take place as part of the CX in Berlin.
The following services are included:
- Logo and reference to sponsor in BVL communication on the award, e.g. in the program: website, printed program booklet on site at “Finale Wissenschaftspreis”, PDF of the program booklet
- Mention/link in SoMe posts about the WPL
- Logo listed under “Sponsors”
- Mention as WPL sponsor in press release
- Nomination and sponsor roll-up during the “Science Award Final” (finalists briefly present their results in a CX session on Wednesday with high attendance)
- Logo & representative on stage (no contribution) at the WPL award ceremony on Friday in the closing plenary session
- WPL final will be at least recorded, possibly streamed; award ceremony will be streamed
- With the support of the WPL, sponsors can present themselves on their own channels as “science-oriented” and “young talent-oriented”, future-makers in logistics