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Summer Sale: Limited in time until August 16, 2024
Let's meet! Fallen Sie auf, indem Sie bis zu 3 auffällige XL Indoor Cubes mit Ihrem Unternehmen branden !
Werden Sie Sponsor unserer Networking- und Casino Night - der perfekte Ausklang nach der Verleihung des Deutschen Logistikpreises.
Sold out
Sponsoring the CX Party: your brand at the center of the exclusive evening
Your logo - always in sight: High-quality bag sponsoring
Your brand, your lounge: individual lounge space in the foyer of the CX
Stage sponsorship: Your brand in the spotlight at the CX
Floor branding: Your brand in focus - step by step
Your advertising flyer: An eye-catching presence on 16 pages - in the CX bag!
Your advertising flyer: An eye-catching presence on 4 pages - in the CX bag!
Place your company and your products in an 8-page flyer in the CX bag
Represent your company at the CX by bringing participants together in a shared gaming experience.