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Advertisements and publicity
Stage sponsorship
Content Sponsoring
Digital Sponsoring
Flyers and Print Display
Logo placement and outdoor advertising
Memo pad & pen: your brand in daily use - in the CX bag
Sustainability sponsorship: your brand as a driver for a greener CX
Sold out
Networking geht durch den Magen - werden sie Sponsor unserer Catering Area
Exclusive sponsorship: CX partner evening - your brand at the center of the get-together
Make the break time your best advertising time on all CX stages in Congress and Expo
Make the break time your best advertising time on all congress stages
Make the break time your best advertising time on all Expo stages
Stylish branding: Your brand on branded Pixi furniture in front of the Expo Center Stage
Show your presence: Your brand on a roll-up at the CX
Sold out
Minimaler Aufwand und maximale Sichtbarkeit:
Sponsern Sie einer der beliebten Kongresskaffeebars und erhalten Sie ein vollwertiges Teilnehmerticket inklusive!
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Branded self-service filter coffee machines - your brand in the focus of every coffee break!
Branded napkins - your logo on every breakfast table!