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Make the break time your best advertising time on all Expo stages
Your Advertisement in the Program Preview of BVL Supply Chain CX 2025 – Maximum Visibility for Your Company in LOGISTIK HEUTE, DVZ, and Online!
Ihr Give-Away: Persönlich überreicht, perfekt in Szene gesetzt - an einem CX-Tag Ihrer Wahl
"Display-to-go": Your ad on the back of our CX guidepost
Memo pad & pen: your brand in daily use - in the CX bag
Your advertising flyer: Perfectly placed - directly on the congress chairs on the 1st CX day!
The classic in our exhibitor and participant directory: Your full-page advertisement on the 3rd cover page (inside back cover)
The classic in our exhibitor and participant directory: Your full-page advertisement on the 2nd cover page (inside cover page).